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New diagnosis in Psychiatry: Beyond Heuristics
McGorry PD, Hickier IB, Kotov R, Schmaal L, Wood SJ, Allan SM, Altinbas K, Boyce N, Fringmann LF, Caspi A, Cuthbert B, Gaweda L, Groen RN, Guloksuz S, Hartmann JA, Krueger RF, Mei C, Nieman D, Ongur D, Raballo A, Scheffer M, Schreuder MJ, Shah JL, Wigman JTW, Yuen HP, Nelson B.
In Press. Psychological Medicine.
Parenting in childhood predicts personality in early adulthood: A longitudinal twin-differences study
Wertz J, Moffitt TE, Blangis F, Ambler A, Arseneault L, Danese A, Fisher HL, Caspi A.
In Press. American Psychologist.
Cross-Tissue comparison of epigenetic aging clocks in humans
Apsley AT, Ye Q, Caspi A, Chiaro C, Etzel L, Hastings WJ, Heim CC, Kozlosky J, Noll JG, Schreier HMC, Shen CE, Sugden K, Shalev I
2025. Aging Cell.
The causal effect of mental health on labor market outcomes: The case of stress-related mental disorders following a human-made disaster
Andersen S, Richmond-Rakerd LS, Moffitt TE, Caspi A
2024. PNAS.
Using risk of crime detection to study change in mechanisms of decision-making
Barnes JC, Moffitt TE, Tanksley PT, Tasharrofi S, Poulton R, Caspi A
2024. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Posttraumatic stress disorder, trauma, and accelerated biological aging among post-9/11 veterans
Bourassa KJ, Garrett ME, Caspi A, Dennis M, Hall KS, Moffitt TE, Taylor GA, VA Mid Atlantic MIRECC Workgroup, Ashley-Koch AE, Beckham JC, Kimbrel NA
2024. Translational Psychiatry.
The continuity of adversity: Negative emotionality links early-life adversity with adult stressful life events
Brennan GM, Moffitt TE, Bourassa KJ, Harrington HL, Hogan S, Houts RM, Poulton R, Ramrakha S, Caspi A
2024. Clinical Psychological Science.
A nationwide analysis of 350 million patient encounters reveals a high volume of mental-health conditions in primary care
Caspi A, Houts RM, Moffitt TE, Richmond-Rakerd LS, Hanna MR, Sunde HF, Torvik FA
2024. Nature Mental Health .
Educational mobility, pace of aging, and lifespan among participants in the Framingham Heart Study
Graf GH, Aiello AE, Caspi A, Kothari M, Liu H, Moffitt TE, Muennig P, Ryan CP, Sugden K, Belsky DW
2024. JAMA Network Open.
Co-occurrence between mental disorders and physical diseases: A study of nationwide primary-care medical records
Hanna MR, Caspi A, Houts RM, Moffitt TE, Torvik FA
2024. Psychological Medicine.
Characterizing midlife-onset alcohol dependence: Implications for etiology, prevention, and healthy aging
Khalifeh L, Caspi A, Harrington HL, Meier MH, Poulton R, Ramrakha S, Moffitt TE, Richmond-Rakerd LS
2024. Clinical Psychological Science.
Childhood blood-lead level predicts lower general, non-selective hippocampal subfield volumes in midlife
Reuben A, Knodt AR, Ireland A, Ramrakha, Specht AJ, Caspi A, Moffitt TE, Hariri A
2024. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.
Dementia, dementia’s risk factors and premorbid brain structure are concentrated in disadvantaged areas: national register and birth-cohort geographic analyses
Reuben A, Richmond-Rakerd L, Milne B, Shah D, Pearson A, Hariri AR, Hogan S, Ireland D, Keenan R, Knodt AR, Melzer T, Poulton R, Ramrakha S, Whitman E, Moffitt TE, Caspi A
2024. Alzheimers and Dementia .
Associations of hospital-treated infections with subsequent dementia: Nationwide 30-year analysis
Richmond-Rakerd LS, Iyer M, D'Souza S, Khalifeh L, Caspi A, Moffitt TE, Milne BJ
2024. Nature Aging.
Faster DunedinPACE, an epigenetic clock for pace of biological aging, is associated with accelerated cognitive aging among older adults in the Framingham Heart Study
Savin MJ, Wang H, Pei H, Aiello AE, Assuras S, Caspi A, Moffitt TE, Muenning CP, Ryan CP, Shi B, Stern Y, Sugden K, Valeri L, Belsky DW.
2024. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring.
Can a warm and supportive adult protect against mental health problems amongst children with experience of adversity? A twin-differences study
Stock SE, Lacey RE, Arseneault L, Caspi A, Crush E, Danese A, Latham RM, Moffitt TE, Newbury JB, Schaefer JD, Fisher HL, Baldwin JR
2024. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Do polygenic indices capture “direct” effects on child externalizing behavior problems? Within-family analyses in two longitudinal birth cohorts
Tanksley PT, Brislin SJ, Wertz J, de Vlaming R, Courchesne-Krak NS, Mallard TT, Raffington LL, Linner RK, Koellinger P, Palmer AA, Sanchez-Roige S, Waldman I, Dick D, Moffitt TE, Caspi A, Harden KP
2024. Clinical Psychological Science.
Diet, pace of biological aging, and risk of dementia in the Framingham Heart Study
Thomas A, Ryan CP, Caspi A, Moffitt TE, Sugden K, Zhou J, Belsky DW, Gu Y
2024. Annals of Neurology.
A blood biomarker of the pace of aging is associated with brain structure: Replication across three cohorts
Whitman ET, Ryan CP, Abraham WC, Addae A, Corcoran DL, Elliott ML, Hogan S, Ireland D, Keenan R, Knodt AR, Melzer TR, Poulton R, Ramrakha S, Sugden K, Williams BS, Zhou J, Hariri AR, Belsky DW, Moffitt TE, Caspi A
2024. Neurobiology of Aging.
Adult physical function has roots in early childhood brain function: A five-decade cohort study
Xie JK, Caspi A, Harrington H, Houts RM, Pietrosimone L, Whitman ET, McKinney LW, Moffitt TE
2024. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.
Who Australasians trusted during COVID-19: lessons from the pandemic response
August R, Barrett-Young A, Guiney H, Hogan S, Ramrakha S, Poulton R
2023. ProQuest.
Which types of stress are associated with accelerated biological aging? Comparing perceived stress, stressful life events, childhood adversity, and posttraumatic stress disorder
Bourassa KJ, Caspi A, Brennan GM, Hall KS, Harrington HL, Houts R, Kimbrel NA, Poulton P, Ramrakha S, Taylor GA, Moffitt TE
2023. Psychosomatic Medicine.
Tracing the origins of midlife despair: Association of psychopathology during adolescence with a syndrome of despair-related maladies at midlife
Brennan GM, Moffitt TE, Ambler A. Harrington HL, Hogan S, Houts RM, Mani R, Poulton R, Ramrakha S, Caspi A
2023. Psychological Medicine.
The general factor of psychopathology (p): Choosing among competing models and interpreting p
Caspi A, Houts RM, Fisher HL, Danese A, Moffitt TE
2023. Clinical Psychological Science .
Accelerated pace of aging in schizophrenia: Five case-control studies
Caspi A, Shireby G, Mill J, Moffitt TE, Sugden K, Hannon E
2023. Biological Psychiatry.