Aging: Theoretical Essays

The limitations of large-scale volunteer databases to address inequalities and global challenges in health and aging
Brayne C, Moffitt TE
2022. Nature Aging.
Moving geroscience from the bench to clinical care and health policy
Sierra, F, Caspi, A, Fortinsky, RH, Haynes, L, Lithgow, GJ, Miller, RA, Moffitt, TE, Verdin, E, Kuchel, GA
2021. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
Behavioral and social research to accelerate the geroscience translation agenda
Moffitt TE
2020. Aging Research Reviews.
Psychiatry's opportunity to prevent the rising burden of age-related disease
Moffitt TE, Caspi A
2019. JAMA Psychiatry .
Behavioral and social research in the geroscience agenda: Translation, health disparities, trial design, outcome measures, and novel prevention targets
Moffitt, TE
The longitudinal study of aging in human young adults: Knowledge gaps and research agenda
Moffitt TE, Belsky DW, Danese A, Poulton R, Caspi A
2017. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. (72: 210-215)