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Neuropsychological correlates of early adolescent psychopathology
Frost LA, Moffitt TE, McGee R
1988. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. (10:72-72)
Neuropsychological deficit and self-reported delinquency in an unselected birth cohort
Moffitt TE, Silva PA
1988. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. (Mar;27(2):233-40)
IQ and delinquency: A direct test of the differential detection hypothesis
Moffitt TE, Silva PA
1988. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. (Aug;97(3):330-3)
Self-reported delinquency: Results from an instrument for New Zealand
Moffitt TE, Silva PA
1988. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology. (21:227-240)
Self-reported delinquency, neuropsychological deficit, and history of attention deficit disorder
Moffitt TE, Silva PA
1988. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. (Oct;16(5):553-69)
Factors associated with arithmetic-and-reading disability and specific arithmetic disability
Share DL, Moffitt TE, Silva PA
1988. Journal of Learn Disabilities. (May;21(5):313-20)
Personality in the life course
Caspi A
1987. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. (Dec;53(6):1203-13)
Linking person and context in the daily stress process
Caspi A, Bolger N, Eckenrode J
1987. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. (Jan;52(1):184-95)
Losing control and life disadvantage: A life-course analysis of explosive children
Caspi A, Elder GH
1987. Aggressive Behavior. (13:303-303)
Moving against the world: Life-course patterns of explosive children
Caspi A, Elder GH, Bem DJ
1987. Developmental Psychology. (23:308-313)
Everyday problem solving in adulthood and old age
Cornelius SW, Caspi A
1987. Psychology and Aging. (Jun;2(2):144-53)
Parental mental disorder and offspring criminal behavior: An adoption study
Moffitt TE
1987. Psychiatry-Interpersonal and Biological Processes. (Nov;50(4):346-60)
WISC-R verbal and performance IQ discrepancy in an unselected cohort: Clinical significance and longitudinal stability
Moffitt TE, Silva PA
1987. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. (Oct;55(5):768-74)
Life satisfaction in old age: Linking social psychology and history
Caspi A, Elder GH
1986. Psychology and Aging. (1:18-26)
Linking family hardship to children's lives
Elder GH Jr, Nguyen TV, Caspi A
1985. Child Development. (Apr;56(2):361-75)
Contact hypothesis and inter-age attitudes: Field-study of cross-age contact
Caspi A
1984. Social Psychology Quarterly. (47:74-80)
The learning-theory model of punishment: Implications for delinquency deterrence
Moffitt TE
1983. Criminal Justice and Behavior. (10:131-158)
Vocabulary and arithmetic performance of father-absent boys
Moffitt TE
1981. Child Study Journal. (10:233-241)
Socioeconomic-status, IQ, and delinquency
Moffitt TE, Gabrielli WF, Mednick SA, Schulsinger F
1981. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. (90:152-156)
Perinatal complications and adult schizophrenia
Parnas J, Mednick SA, Moffitt TE
1981. Trends in Neurosciences. (4:262-264)
Effects of polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) compounds in rodents
Tilson H, Cabe P, Mitchell D, Moffitt T, Rhoderick R
1977. Environmental Health Perspectives. (20:244)