HonaLee Harrington

HonaLee Harringon

Associate in Research

Mailing address

104410, Durham, NC 27708

+1 608 438 8990


I joined the Moffitt/Caspi team in 1991 as part of the Phase 21 prep. I have been privileged to have worked on the Dunedin Study ever since. In my role of data manager, I get to collaborate with researchers all over the world. It has been an honor to be a part of this amazing research project.

I left my lifetime home in Madison, Wisconsin in 2008 to follow the team to Duke. Upon moving to Durham, I traded volleyball for gardening. Over the years, my partner & I have transformed our yard into a garden and orchard. We have planted strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, grapes, Asian pears, hazelnuts and paw-paws in addition to vegetables and herbs. I also enjoy exploring the effects of exercise on the aging process by participating in the Senior Games.