Stephanie grew up in Canada, where she has received her MSc focusing on sexual offenses and offenders and her PhD focusing on the joint associations of the serotonergic system and family adversity on antisocial behaviors, at the University of Montreal. Stephanie is a Postdoctoral Scholar with the Research unit on children's psychosocial maladjustment at Laval University (Canada) and with the Moffitt-Caspi team at Duke University, where her work is funded by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société-Cultures (FRQSC).
Stephanie’s research interests include the biosocial mechanisms underlying the development and persistence of conduct problems throughout the life-course and their long-term consequences for the individuals’ health and well-being. She uses longitudinal, genetically informative data from family and singleton population-based cohort studies in her research. Ultimately, the aim of her research is to contribute to prevent the initiation of conduct problems and promote better behavioral functioning among high-risk individuals by informing public policy and clinical interventions.
Stephanie spends her time outside of work rock climbing, hiking, exploring the North Carolina food scene and reading at the beach.